To My Significant Other: An Anniversary Letter

To My Significant Other: An Anniversary Letter

To My Significant Other,

Hi, hon! This is going to be cheesy so I’m warning you to read this till the end hehe.

From a whirlwind romance, who have thought we would come this far?

I remember when we’re still BF/GF, a few trusted friends doubted us or should I say condemned (for the lack of better word) my shenanigans. 

A close family member even mentioned to me, "para kang fools rush in (you seem like a fool rushing in), ” when he/she learned about our marriage.

I can't blame them though. Two months is too short a time to fully know someone, how much more to get engaged? 

What was I thinking then???

All I knew was I’ve found the right one I never wanted to let go. My instinct told me so and it was always right, you know.😉

*Cue the music* 🎶 Got to believe in Magic 🎶

Looking back, I was such a hopeless romantic gal. I did believe in Serendipity (yup, that movie will always be one of my faves 😍) And up to this time, I still believe it was fate that brought us together lol.

Why did I say so? Hmmm...let me state some facts.

  1. You once said that you saw a Japanese looking girl inside a church "in one of your dreams," long before we've met. And I, of course shamelessly claimed it was me that you've dreamed of! haha (coz I always thought I look like one lol)
  1. We’ve been to same places yet were separated by time. It was odd. I guess destiny was working its own way to trick us sometime in May 2004. 
  2. Do you still remember our first meet up? Oh! Talk about an epic fail! But you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way. (Thank you Joyce and Ireen if you could read this!)

I can state some more "evidence" to justify my claim but seriously speaking, I know that YOU are the answer to my fervent prayer.

You don't know this but I often tell myself, "I must have done something good in my past to deserve someone like you."

Look at us now, Hon! Wonder of all wonders, it's been more than a decade...13 years and we're still getting stronger through time. Somehow, I felt vindicated from the "fools rush in" remarks hehe.

Kudos to us for weathering the storms of life hand in hand. 

Do you remember this, Hon? I found this. My letter to you on our 1st monthsary as BF/GF. It's been ages! (9/2/2004)
To My Significant Other: An Anniversary Letter

It reads...


Happy monthsary! 
I know we've only just begun but I do hope this will be the start of a fruitful, strong and lasting relationship.
May you always be filled w/ love.

Love you,

Please know that nothing has changed from the way I first saw you - a gentle and kind spirit beyond the tough-guy facade. 

You are the sweetest, most caring, ever supportive, generous person, I've known. I am grateful to HIM for giving me a good man like you.

We're both not perfect. But through the years I've learned that ACCEPTANCE of each other's flaws and choosing to LOVE your spouse every day in spite of are the keys to a lasting relationship.

To My Significant Other: An Anniversary Letter
I love you hon. No ifs, no buts. Never mind the weight, never mind the hair. I just love the way you are ❤♥❤

To My Significant Other: An Anniversary Letter
From 2 to 4. How could we have deserved such beautiful kids?

You are my greatest love. My best friend. The father of my children. My significant other. 

Happy 13th Anniversary to us, Hon! Here's to a lifetime of love, laughter and growing old together!  

Your lifetime coffeemaker 💕

To My Significant Other: An Anniversary Letter
photo sources: pixabay, Joan's photos


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